Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Enter Kaylie


I might have gone a little crazy.


  1. Aww I loved this post! I know you wrote me on facebook, but this has pictures :) The blood loss thing really scares me. You're much tinier than me, so I'd imagine an 8lb baby for you (good thing you have girls! Lol) might be like a 10lb baby with me. My mom delivered josh vaginally and she had issues until he was about 8 or 9. I don't think my csection recovery was as hard as yours but I was also imagining the opposite (ripping or cutting down and around with many stitches). I was grateful to pee and poop without pain!! Lol Plus, I never had incision site pain.. Very odd because that's what I feared the most!

    Of course, I still want that vbac too and I'm so proud of you for doing it!! That is a fabulous accomplishment!

  2. there's no thing like going crazy with SB. the more you scrap the more memories you'll have. They are lovely and I amsure you documented everything to perfection ;)
