Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I Can't Get No-o...Sa-tis-fac-tion...

 As of right now, we should be in the air somewhere over the Atlantic. With Space-A, there are no guarantees. I'll let you know how things are going, but in the mean time, this video made me laugh out loud and I wanted to share it.  It was particularly funny for me, because this is a song I know and love from "back in the day", around the time that we got married.  Brandon had a red Camaro with a killer sound system, and we would crank the music and cruise...

Video pulled from cuteoverload.com


  1. I hope you don't have to spend too long going back and forth to the airport....

  2. Apparently, I was far too optimistic. We are on the manifest for a flight to Dover tonight, and from there, we hope to catch a flight to Ramstein tomorrow.
